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Welcome to Women Who Stay in the Game!

Have you heard yourself say?

  • No one will want to hire me because I’m too old
  • I’ve been away from the workplace too long. My skills are obsolete
  • I’m bored at my job- but I’m afraid to leave the security
  • I feel invisible at work
  • I don’t feel appreciated at my job
  • I no longer am relevant in my field
  • I want to make a difference- but I don’t know where to start
  • I know there is something I’m meant to be doing- but I can’t figure it out
  • I’m burned out and need a change

If any of this sounds familiar, then is time to make a change.

We’ve all heard the messages that women in midlife are less desirable and less relevant in the workplace and beyond. This is nonsense!

I don’t know about you- but the idea that all women have to look forward to as they age is babysitting their grandchildren, volunteering for a good cause or perhaps joining a book club doesn’t cut it for me!

My belief is that midlife is the most powerful and exciting time for women. It is their time to express their wisdom, creative genius and to make a real impact in the world. For many women this is the first time that they have time to think about themselves since their twenties.

Do you feel called to create something meaningful and fulfilling? If the answer is yes, I urge you not to throw away these precious years by playing small!

You only get one life. Don’t you want to make the second half of your life count?
If the answer is yes, book a complimentary 30-minute power session and we can start creating your legacy.

Julie Shapiro
Career Empowerment Coach
I’m Julie, a Women’s Career Empowerment Coach.

I help midlife women navigate career opportunities and challenges. I’m committed to championing women who feel stuck and uninspired and encouraging them to step up and make their mark in the world.

My mission is to help women thrive in their careers, find work that nourishes their souls and gives them a sense of purpose.

I want you to stay in the game!

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